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Meet Our Team at
R&R Professional Concrete Cutting

When you need professional concrete cutting services in Utah, we’re the only name you should know. For more than 28 years, we’ve taken every step necessary to complete jobs for residential, commercial, and government clients to their total satisfaction. We come right out and build a plan to complete your project as soon as possible. Here, you can read a little about our background and the team that has worked tirelessly to give us our reputation as of one of the leaders in the Utah concrete cutting industry.

About our founder

R&R Professional Concrete Cutting Inc. is independently owned and operated by Ron Remigi, an expert in the industry. Since he started the company almost 30 years ago, Ron has gone above and beyond to provide great customer service. To do this, he ensures that every new member of his team is reliable and trustworthy.

Our business was born out of the knowledge that truly professional companies that do complex, detailed work are few and far between. Customers in greater Salt Lake City deserve access to a team of true pros, one that comes out as soon as they call, gives them honest price quotes, and uses the highest quality equipment and processes to get the job done efficiently.

Why you should use a pro

When you see the time and effort Ron and his team spend ensuring that your project is done right and that your experience with us is nothing less than fantastic, you’ll see the value in using a professional team that has built a reputation in the area over a long period. Whether you need flat sawing, wall sawing, or core drilling services for a variety of projects, the team at R&R Professional Concrete Cutting has the expertise and the experience to get the job done right.

Call us for more about Ron and the R&R team.