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Wall Sawing Services in Salt Lake, Davis & Weber Counties

Wall sawing is a common service for residential customers and home builders to request from a concrete cutting service provider. It is done using a diamond blade with a machine set on a track to ensure straight cuts at a maximum depth that is typically 30 inches.

We can accommodate specific installations, making wall sawing one of the most versatile, but also difficult practices, in the concrete cutting arsenal. These considerations highlight the need to use an experienced and professional team with a long record of leading the industry in reliable service and the latest cutting technology. Call R&R Professional Concrete Cutting for more information.

Wall Sawing applications include: Egress Window Cut-Outs, Window Enlargements, Door Openings, Basement Walk-Outs

What is wall sawing used for?

Wall sawing can be used on vertical and horizontal surfaces, making it a great choice for windows and doorways, as well as various projects that involve cutting openings in the floor for plumbing and HVAC applications.

Typically, wall sawing services are requested for two reasons:

  1. A homeowner is making changes to the plumbing or ventilation set up in one or more rooms of their home, and the service is requested
  2. The homeowner or the contractor that is in charge of the renovations.

A residential or commercial builder needs a concrete cutter to cut the concrete walls within a home in order to install windows, doors, vents, plumbing access points and more.

Hydraulic Wall Sawing machines

In either of these cases, Hydraulic Wall Sawing machines can be an extremely effective and precise way to cut into concrete on a residential or commercial property. Here are a couple of ways a wall saw can be used for a variety of different purposes:

  • The saws can be used easily on horizontal and vertical services with oversight from a professional. A small error in setting up the cuts can translate to a major error in cutting, highlighting the need for a team of experienced experts to carry out the service.
  • The angle and depth of the blade can be adjusted to provide a cut that is precisely the angle and depth that you need when installing windows or doors, as well as vents and plumbing access points.

Additionally, Hydraulic Wall Sawing can be used to cut new doors, garage doors, and crawl space access points in an attic.

To learn more about wall sawing, call us today.