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Expert Core Drilling Services

When it comes to installing drains, running wires, other installations through floors and walls, you need a smooth hole to serve as an artery for internal wiring and other mechanical structures. Call R&R Professional Concrete Cutting to ensure that your concrete coring job is done right.

What is core drilling and how is it done?

Concrete core drilling involves using a large machine to drill perfectly round holes in concrete and masonry surfaces. Like many concrete cutting applications, the core drill has a diamond tip blade that can cut through concrete, rebar, and steel without being dulled or damaged.

Core drills are electrical or hydraulic machines that can be fitted with concrete drill bits ranging in size from less than an inch to a typical standard maximum of 60 inches. Depths can be drilled from 0 to any depth needed to complete the job right. After drilling, the “core” is the concrete that is extracted from the hole in the middle of the bit. Because the operating team can change the size of the core being drilled, core drilling is an extremely versatile way to drill a perfect hole of any diameter and depth.

What is concrete core drilling used for?

Core drilling is a concrete cutting application used primarily for installation of round implements or wiring that needs to be fed through a tube. Here are some projects that core drilling is used for:

  • Feeding wiring and/or fiber optics through residential and commercial walls and floors
  • Drilling holes for ventilation (for example, dryer vents)
  • Digging post holes in concrete
  • Retrofitting pipe

Although the focus of most core drilling applications is residential and commercial, such a versatile machine can be made available for almost any purpose when it comes to reliable concrete cutting.

Use a pro. Call R&R today for more information.